Start Where You Are | A Spark to Get You Started


Are You Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed?

You're not alone. In a world full of noise, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters to you. We’re bombarded with advice, hacks, and tips on how to optimize every aspect of our lives. But does any of it actually help?

Why Does Life Feel So Overwhelming?

 You’re unsure where to start because there’s just too much information coming at you.

The constant pressure to do more, be more, and optimize yourself leaves you feeling exhausted and unsure of what really works for you.

You deserve a life that feels right for you, not one dictated by trends and fleeting advice.

We're Here to Help You Cut Through the Noise  

At If Lost Start Here, we understand how overwhelming it can be to navigate all the life advice out there.

We’ve been there too, scrolling through endless tips, only to feel more confused.

That’s why we’ve been exploring how to make a plan for better emotional, mental, and physical well-being that’s actually realistic.

And guess what? It seems to be working.



Here's the Plan  

  1. Acknowledge Your Starting Point

    It all begins with tuning out the noise and truly hearing yourself. We’ve designed a quick 3-day course to help you do just that.

 2. Get Guidance

Over 3 days, you’ll receive simple, effective exercises designed to help you filter out what doesn’t serve you and focus on what does.

3. Take Action

Spend as little or as much time as you need. Whether you dive deep with our workbook or just expand your perspective a bit, it’s up to you.


Don’t let another day go by without tuning into what truly matters to you. Sign up now for our 3-day course and start filtering out the noise.

Experience A New Way of Looking at Life.

Imagine waking up each day with clarity, knowing what truly matters to you and what doesn’t. That’s the kind of life you can start creating today.


What else do I need to know?

How long does the course take?

Just 10-15 minutes over 3 days. You could spend longer on the prompts if you like.

Then you can return to this course as and when you need a quick well-being check-in.

How will it be delivered?

Online and through our app. You'll get access to all three days and you can go at your own pace. You'll also get access to a Workbook to take you through this. 

Is this in person?

Nope. It’s all online. To do at your own pace, from home (or anywhere else you'll be).

If you want more support, you can book 1:1 Coaching Sessions at any time.

When can I start?

You'll be able to access the online platform/app straight away.

How much does the course cost?

As we're beta testing this it's only $16 right now.

Please note that our guide and this platform are not considered to be a replacement for medical advice, and are not suitable for anyone experiencing severe trauma or serious mental health challenges.

If you choose to wait, that’s okay

We understand that change can feel daunting, and sometimes it’s easier to stay where you are. But remember, it’s okay to take things one step at a time.

Without taking action, the feelings of overwhelm and confusion might linger. But that doesn’t mean you’re failing. It just means you haven’t found what works for you yet—and that’s perfectly normal. Whenever you’re ready, we’re here to help you take that first small step towards clarity and well-being.

A Bright Spot in Your Day

We know you don’t need more to do, but this course is different. Think of it as a little gift to yourself—an opportunity to pause, reflect, and tune in to what really matters to you. s.