The Regional Assembly of Text // Update

The Regional Assembly of Text // Update

Recently we reached out to Brandy and Rebecca, founders of Canada’s Regional Assembly of Text and one of the first places that we wrote about in our guide to ask how they are navigating the impacts of the global pandemic. Our conversation hopefully offers some insight into how one creative business is responding to the current situation and how you can continue to support their work and each other in the coming months.

How has the coronavirus impacted your business / space / you? 

We closed both our storefronts in the hope of helping keep our staff, customers and communities healthy. We feel privileged to have been able to make this decision. We thank our staff for their support and we thank all the essential workers in our communities who continue to do their jobs amidst risk and uncertainty.

What are you doing now? 

We are both sticking close to home... having meetings on the interweb, trying not to panic too many times in one day and finding solace in the simple fact that we are all in this together.  

How have you shifted your business / space? 

Because we just launched a brand new website with an online shop featuring our products, we are still shipping orders twice a week from our Vancouver location. 

How can people still engage with you from home? 

We are loving our Instagram community more now than ever and invite people to join us @assemblyoftext. We are posting letter writing prompts for people to do at home with the hashtag #staystationarysendstationery  

How can people best support you? 

By engaging with us on Instagram, by telling their friends about us or by supporting us with online orders.

We love your products. Are there that you'd like to highlight?

We just posted a collection of Stay Stationary, Send Stationery goods on our website... including an Activity Book, Off the Grid Stationery, Missing You Card and more. 


In the coming weeks, we’re going to try to feature more places that are pivoting at the moment to offer support, creativity and wisdom for our stay-at-home lives. Follow along on social media for updates.

Temporarily Closed // How the places of our lives have come home to us.

Temporarily Closed // How the places of our lives have come home to us.

Why bother? // Self-care in a time of uncertainty with pioneering author Jennifer Louden

Why bother? // Self-care in a time of uncertainty with pioneering author Jennifer Louden