Discover some of the ways that human connection can help you feel better
Connection is complicated, isn’t it? Study after study tells us how central it is to human happiness and health, but in our everyday lives we often forget its importance.
Call a friend? But what if they don’t want to hear from us? Reach out to a family member? But what about that political view they seem to have that’s different than my own? Volunteer in the local community? But when? Who has the time?
But this is what we’ve found. When we do reach out, contribute to our community, or try to get to a place of understanding if not agreement, we tend to feel much better than we’d imagined. And we carry those benefits into the rest of our lives.
Curious about how to cultivate more connections in your own life? We’ve selected some things to read, do, watch and experience so that you can discover the benefits to your emotional well-being and mental health of relationships in all their various forms.
Read through an article about what the longest study on happiness tells us about the importance of relationships, try going to therapy with a friend, watch a talk on what empathy can do for us, and discover some cafes that are shaping the community for all.
Be open to the form that relationships can take in your life, and what they can offer you (and you, in turn, can offer them).
To read:
How human relationships fit into a lifetime of happiness
Alternatives to ‘How Are You?’
We are interwoven beings
What to do if you find yourself in the “friendship recession”
An experiment in connection across generations
How to ease your loneliness
Dating with an Expiration Date
When to end a toxic relationship
To do:
Take a quiz to learn how connected you are to humanity
Take a course in the Art of Gathering by bestselling author Priya Parker
Learn how to apologize
Go to friend therapy
Join a community like Peanut
Support the Campaign to End Loneliness
To watch:
To discover:
The Dot Cafe (Spain)
Fluid Coffee (San Francisco, US)
Milk Cafe (San Francisco Bay Area, US)
Kinfolx (Oakland, US)
What are you learning about how your connections impact your emotional well-being and mental health?
Let us know how you navigate this aspect of your everyday life.