Emotional Well-being Series |  Learn how to cultivate positive emotions to improve well-being

Emotional Well-being Series | Learn how to cultivate positive emotions to improve well-being

Do you ever feel like joy is fleeting and hard to grasp? You're not alone. Many of us now find it challenging to maintain positive emotions amidst life’s demands. But what if understanding positive emotions better could help us experience them more often?

Positive emotions are one of the most enjoyable parts of being alive. But what exactly are positive emotions? What effect do they have on our lives? And how can we experience more of them?

What are positive emotions?

Positive emotions are more than just fleeting moments of happiness; they are vital to our overall well-being. They encompass a wide range of experiences from joy and excitement to contentment and love.

Positive emotions exist on a continuum with negative emotions on one end and positive emotions on the other. However, the words we use to describe positive emotions generally lead us to think that positive emotions are discrete entities, separate from negative emotions. For example, “happy” and “sad” might be on two ends of one continuum but we think of them as different things.

Positive emotions can also be either high-energy (e.g., excitement, joy) or low-energy (e.g., calm, content).

The importance of positive emotions on our well-being

Research shows that positive emotions not only make us feel good but also contribute to longevity, improved immune function, and greater resilience. Positive emotions may even be considered synonymous with happiness (but happiness may also include things like meaning or purpose).

Here are some examples of positive emotions:

●      Excitement. A feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.

●      Delight. To take great emotional pleasure in something.

●      Astonishment. A feeling of great surprise and wonder.

●      Happiness. Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.

●      Pleased. A feeling of pride or satisfaction.

●      Content. A state of happiness and satisfaction.

●      Relaxed. A state of being at rest or ease.

●      Calm. Not excited or upset.

Imagine how your life could change if you could tap into these emotions more frequently and deeply.

How positive emotions differ from moods and why it matters

Understanding the nature of positive emotions can be a game-changer. Unlike moods, which are more prolonged and diffuse, positive emotions are typically short-lived and arise from specific experiences. They bring about changes in our nervous system, hormones, facial expressions, and even our thoughts. By learning to recognize and cultivate these emotions, we can enhance our mental and physical health.

Engage, explore, and enjoy: Ways to increase positive emotions

1. Identify Positive Emotions

Start by recognizing different positive emotions such as excitement, delight, astonishment, happiness, and contentment. Each of these emotions has unique triggers and effects on our well-being.

2. Embrace Emotional Granularity

Develop the skill of emotional granularity, which means being able to identify and differentiate between a wide range of emotions. This can help you understand your emotional experiences more clearly and respond to them more effectively.

3. Cultivate Positive Experiences

Engage in activities that naturally evoke positive emotions. For example, joyful play, exploring new interests, savoring moments of contentment, and nurturing loving relationships can all help broaden your emotional repertoire.

4. Apply the Broaden and Build Theory:

According to Barbara Fredrickson's Broaden and Build Theory, positive emotions broaden our thought-action repertoire and build lasting personal resources. This means that by cultivating positive emotions, you can enhance your creativity, resilience, and social connections.

Embrace positive emotions for a healthier, happier you

Positive emotions are powerful tools for enhancing your well-being. By identifying and cultivating these emotions, you can experience greater joy, resilience, and fulfillment in everyday life.

Ready to enhance your emotional wellness and experience greater joy and contentment?

Our specialized emotions coaching sessions at If Lost Start Here can help you understand and cultivate positive emotions for a healthier, happier life.

Click the link to learn more and book your first session today!

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