Emotional Well-being Series | 7 strategies to improve emotional wellbeing

Emotional Well-being Series | 7 strategies to improve emotional wellbeing

With all that we now need to just do to get through life, connecting with our emotions can feel like an impossible task. But losing touch with what we’re feeling can add to that sense of being lost and disconnected that many of us are now experiencing. Enhancing our emotional well-being can help us better connect with all aspects of our lives.

Building a positive relationship with your emotions

Many of us now juggle the demands of our careers, families, and personal lives, often feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to manage our emotions. This can lead to a sense of disconnection and emotional imbalance. However, it's possible to improve your emotional well-being by learning and practicing a few key skills.

Improving your emotional well-being isn't about avoiding or suppressing emotions. Instead, it's about enhancing your emotional awareness, learning to regulate your emotions, and building resilience.

Here are seven impactful strategies to help you boost your emotional well-being.

Techniques for positive emotional health

1. Practice Emotional Awareness

Start by engaging in self-reflection. Ask yourself: What am I feeling? Why am I feeling this way? What might help me manage these emotions?

Emotional awareness allows you to recognize how different situations, people, or thoughts affect your feelings. By paying attention to your emotions, you can take proactive steps to foster more positive emotional experiences.

2. Practice Mindful Acceptance

Mindfulness goes beyond emotional awareness; it includes emotional acceptance. This means experiencing emotions without judgment, which helps prevent the development of secondary negative emotions. For example, feeling guilty about being angry creates an additional layer of distress.

By practicing acceptance, you allow your emotions to come and go without labeling them as good or bad. Mindfulness meditation is a great tool to cultivate this skill.

3. Refocus Your Attention

Redirecting your attention away from negative aspects and towards positive ones can significantly enhance your emotional well-being. When you find yourself fixating on the worst parts of a situation, consciously shift your focus to neutral or positive elements. Although this takes practice, research shows that training your mind to focus on less threatening aspects can reduce anxiety.

4. Practice Reappraisal

Reappraisal involves interpreting a stressful situation in a more positive light. This strategy can help you feel better and improve your emotional well-being over time. Try reappraising by listing the good aspects of challenging situations: How is this an opportunity for learning? What has come into your awareness? Where are the possibilities? The more you practice reappraisal, the more natural it becomes.

5. Try Emotional Distancing

Emotional distancing helps you gain perspective during difficult times. Imagine yourself as an observer—a fly on the wall—or think about how you’ll view the situation in the future. For instance, after an argument with a partner, consider how you’ll feel about it in a week, a month, or a year. This technique can make negative experiences feel less intense and aid in quicker emotional recovery.

6. Use Your Imagination

Your imagination can be a powerful ally in boosting emotional well-being. When times are tough, and there’s little positivity to focus on, use your imagination to create positive scenarios. Visualizing yourself in a happy place can generate real positive emotions, helping you cope with difficult moments.

7. Share Your Positive Moments

Sharing your positive experiences can amplify and extend those feelings. When something good happens, share it with someone you care about. Whether it's a text to a friend or a call to a family member, expressing your joy can enhance your emotional well-being. Just remember to share from a genuine place of connection.

Navigating your emotional landscape

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can enhance your emotional awareness, improve your ability to manage emotions, and build resilience. You can transform your emotional well-being, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Remember, emotions are a normal and necessary part of life, and with the right tools, you can navigate them more effectively.

Maybe today just start with noticing that you have valid emotions. That might be the most important first step towards a more emotionally balanced you.

Seeking further help?

If you're looking to have a more positive relationship with your emotions, consider 1:1 emotions coaching. This personalized approach can provide you with the support and strategies you need to navigate your emotional life more effectively.


- Amir, N., Beard, C., Taylor, C. T., Klumpp, H., Elias, J., Burns, M., & Chen, X. (2009). Attention training in individuals with generalized social phobia: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77(5), 961.

- Bruehlman-Senecal, E., & Ayduk, O. (2015). This too shall pass: Temporal distance and the regulation of emotional distress. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 108(2), 356. 

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