Why September is the best month to reconnect with your emotions

Why September is the best month to reconnect with your emotions

As the school year kicks off and the busy days of September begin, it’s easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of to-do lists and schedules. But amid all the chaos, have you taken a moment to check in with yourself? How are you really feeling as you step into this new season?

The Quiet Shifts of September

This morning, I found myself alone with my thoughts for the first time in weeks. After a summer of juggling endless responsibilities, I realized how easy it is to let our own emotions slip through the cracks. We’re so focused on making sure everyone else is okay that we often push our own feelings aside.

September brings with it a mix of emotions: the anxiety of what’s to come, the frustration of everyday challenges, and maybe a touch of nostalgia for summer’s freedom. But there’s also hope—the hope of a fresh start, a blank page, a chance to reset. Yet, how often do we actually give ourselves the space to explore these feelings? Too often, we believe that our emotions don’t matter, that we need to hide them or put them on the back burner because everyone else’s need come first.

It’s Time to Prioritize Your Emotions

But here’s the truth: your emotions are just as valid as anyone else’s. They’re the key to understanding where you are right now and where you want to go. This September, instead of simply going through the motions, why not take a moment to tune into what you’re feeling? Whether it’s excitement, anxiety, or something in between, every emotion has something to tell us.

That’s why we’re offering for the first time single online sessions to introduce you to emotions coaching. These sessions are designed to help you reconnect with your feelings, validate them, and use them as a guide for navigating the months ahead.

Emotions were the missing piece for us, and they might be for you too.

Unlock a New Perspective This September

Imagine starting this new season not just with a fresh schedule, but with a renewed understanding of yourself. By taking the time to check in with your emotions, you can transform how you approach not just September, but every aspect of your life. You deserve to feel heard, understood, and empowered—because your emotions matter.

Ready to give yourself the attention you deserve? Join us for an emotions coaching taster session and discover the power of understanding and embracing your feelings. Let’s make this September the start of a better relationship with your emotions..

Click here to book your session and take the first step towards a more fulfilled, emotionally aware you.

How to manage emotional flooding and navigate overwhelming emotions with confidence

How to manage emotional flooding and navigate overwhelming emotions with confidence

Embrace the magic of September’s new beginning

Embrace the magic of September’s new beginning