All tagged music

Isolation Inspiration: 5 Times The Internet Really Pulled Through This Week

Comedians are performing, children’s authors are reading their books, musicians are putting on concerts in their living rooms (!!) people are CONNECTING in any way that they can, all in the name of banding together to protect the most vulnerable members of our communities. (I know it’s the internet, and social media at that, but there is a real beauty here and I hope it is not lost on us.)

The Saviors We Never Knew We Needed

But the beauty in this moment, if there is any to be found, is that we’re beginning to accept that mental health isn’t just something to be addressed within the stark walls of our therapist’s office. We’re beginning to look to more than the typical health care provider to carry us through. We’re beginning to see that, maybe, there is healing to be found elsewhere? Maybe there are solutions and connections and answers in our everyday lives? Maybe music is here to save us, after all.

The Sheppey

The Sheppey rewards those who seek it out with character in abundance, and music to pay attention to, thoughtful rooms to suit your different moods and barrels of cider on the bar to blurry away your day.

On Cycle Class

I appreciate so many things about cycle class—the exercise, of course, but also the mental equanimity it brings. I have one of those brains that speeds, and when it’s not speeding it’s caught in a loop.