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Brave enough: A FREE interactive online workshop to break free from fear

This Halloween, we’re not just embracing the spooky – we’re tackling the emotion that tends to haunt us the most in everyday life: FEAR.

How fear sneaks into our everyday lives

Fear loves to show up at Halloween, where we can delight in it. But when it creeps into our daily lives, it’s a different story.

Right now, fear seems to be everywhere – with the constant news, world events, and that undercurrent of anxiety about what the future holds.

Fear wears many masks. Sometimes, it's as big as eco-anxiety, political worries, or the rising cost of living. Other times, it’s more personal, like being afraid to attend a party alone or even attending a new exercise class.

Fear also likes to hide in places we don’t expect:

  • Stuck in a job? Fear of change is sitting with you.

  • Hesitating on a new opportunity? Maybe it’s the fear of success or failure.

  • Waking up at 2 a.m., obsessing over details? Fear of imperfection or getting it wrong.

  • Holding back in conversations? Fear of judgment or ridicule is likely the culprit.

  • Not daring to dream bigger? You could be dealing with the fear of loss or failure.

  • Navigating relationships? Fear of vulnerability or being left behind often shows up.

And sometimes, fear is more subtle, just floating there, waiting for a moment to land. It can make us feel like we’re not enough or like we’re doing life wrong.

The real problem with fear: It keeps us stuck

Fear is the emotion that often gets in our way – blocking us, making us feel stuck, overwhelmed, or smaller than we truly are. It loops in our thoughts, traps us in old beliefs, and keeps us right where we are. It feels heavy, bigger than us, like we’re living in its shadow.

But what if we could look fear in the face, understand why it’s there, and give it permission to step aside?

Time to let fear step aside

This Halloween, we invite you to join us for a different kind of fear-facing experience. We won’t be tiptoeing through haunted mansions or holding creepy spiders (unless that’s your thing!). Instead, we’re going to gently explore the fears that are holding you back. We’ll give them space, get curious, and ultimately, learn to say: “Thank you for showing up, but you can stand down now.”

Together, we’ll step beyond fear – and into a future that feels a whole lot freer.

 Happy Halloween. Ready to face your fears?

This workshop is free and takes place online. It will be interactive with exercises and break-out rooms. Space is limited to just 12 spots to keep this safe and intimate. Sign up now to reserve your place.

Later Event: November 4
Everyday Retreat | Together