Almost ready to think about 2024? What if next year we chose acceptance over transformation?

Almost ready to think about 2024? What if next year we chose acceptance over transformation?

Discovering ways to feel better doesn’t have to lead to feeling worse. It doesn’t have to be another area in which we fall short. It can be something else entirely different.
— Amanda & Claire

We think we're done with the idea of transformation. We just want self-acceptance. Not in a yes, bring-it-all-on-way, but more putting a boundary around what we're supposed to be doing (i.e. more and more and more) and releasing ideas that no longer serve us. Think more about exploring possibilities and alleviating some of that pressure.

We're tired of constantly evaluating ourselves, tethered to ideas of productivity or the need to conform to an ideal life.

We've been guilty of living life according to a checklist, believing that fixing ourselves is just a matter of following the latest trend.

No longer do we want to project a future, better version of ourselves, neglecting the present reality. Perfection is no longer our goal; embracing life's messiness is what we strive for. 

If any of this resonates with you—if you're tired of trying to optimize every aspect of your life—join us in embracing 2024 with a tone of acceptance, compassion, and curiosity.

As we approach January, what if we reconsider the age-old tradition of radically changing ourselves? What if, instead of aiming for drastic transformation this New Year, we embraced a more enduring and impactful approach?

One that helps us remember that our worth isn't defined by what we eat or how many exercises we complete. It's okay if our morning routine isn't picture-perfect and that struggling with meditation for more than a few minutes doesn't equate to failure.

We've designed two incredible approaches to ease into 2024. Choose the one that resonates with you. Both create much-needed alternatives to those resolutions that often fade away.

Say hello to self-acceptance this year and goodbye to all those resolutions

Wellbeing Series: How (and Why) to Practice Acceptance

Wellbeing Series: How (and Why) to Practice Acceptance

Rediscover Emotional Well-being This Holiday Season: Craft Your Unique Well-being Practice.

Rediscover Emotional Well-being This Holiday Season: Craft Your Unique Well-being Practice.