Do you feel disconnected from your own emotions?

Do you feel disconnected from your own emotions?

You’re not alone if you find yourself feeling distant from your own feelings. Many of us have learned to avoid emotions as a way to cope—maybe it seemed safer, or maybe it just felt easier to ignore them than face them head-on. But over time, this can lead to a sense of numbness, like you’re cut off from yourself. It might even feel like you’re just going through the motions, without any real connection to your inner life.

Learning to block emotions out

According to Zoe Hawkins and Jo Wheatley, emotional stonewalling can become a natural response when we believe our feelings are too overwhelming or simply not worth acknowledging. It’s like building an invisible wall to protect ourselves from discomfort. The wall keeps us from feeling the heavy stuff—like sadness, fear, or anger—but it also keeps us from feeling the good things, like joy, connection, or peace.

Maybe you’ve told yourself that emotions just get in the way of being productive, or perhaps you grew up in an environment where expressing feelings wasn’t encouraged. Over time, avoiding emotions can become second nature. You push feelings aside, focus on getting things done, and ignore the subtle signals your body gives you. You might even feel like you don’t have any emotions at all—until one day they overwhelm you, and it feels like everything comes rushing in at once. It’s exhausting, isolating, and leaves you feeling like you’ve lost control.

What if there was another way to feel?

Imagine what it would be like if you could start gently lowering that wall. Not tearing it down all at once, but slowly creating space for yourself to feel—at your own pace, without fear. It’s possible to reconnect with your emotions in a way that feels safe and manageable. Instead of being overwhelmed, you could learn to accept emotions as they come, understanding them without letting them control you.

Reconnecting with your emotions doesn’t have to mean diving into deep waters all at once. It’s about small moments—like pausing to check in with yourself during the day, letting yourself experience how you feel, and learning that emotions are just part of being human. In fact, allowing yourself to feel can help you build deeper connections with others, feel more in control of your choices, and even experience greater joy in everyday moments.

Three strategies to reconnect with your emotions

Name Your Feelings Without Judgment

A simple yet powerful way to begin reconnecting with your emotions is by naming them. When you feel something—whether it’s frustration, sadness, joy, or something else—try to pause and say it to yourself: “I feel [emotion].”

This helps you become more aware of what you’re experiencing without judging yourself for it.

Remember, there’s no “wrong” emotion to feel—each one is just part of your experience in that moment.

Practice Body Awareness

Emotions don’t just live in your mind—they also show up in your body. Take a moment during the day to notice how your body feels. Are your shoulders tense? Is your stomach in knots?

When you start to recognize where emotions manifest physically, it becomes easier to identify and acknowledge them. Try a simple body scan, starting from your head and moving to your toes, noticing any sensations.

This gentle practice can help you reconnect with your feelings by tuning into how your body is reacting.

Journal for Five Minutes a Day

Writing can be a powerful tool for exploring emotions. Set aside just five minutes each day to write down how you’re feeling. It doesn’t need to be perfect or even make sense—just let your thoughts flow.

Journaling helps you release emotions you might not even realize you’re holding onto, and it creates a safe space for you to be honest with yourself.

Over time, this practice can help you feel more comfortable acknowledging and processing your emotions.

Taking the First Steps Toward Emotional Reconnection

It’s okay if reconnecting with your emotions feels intimidating. After all, you’ve built these walls for a reason, and they’ve protected you in many ways. But now, you can begin to learn that emotions aren’t something to fear—they’re a part of you, and by allowing them in, you’re taking an important step toward living a fuller life.

What might change if you started to gently accept your feelings instead of pushing them away? Imagine being able to name how you feel without judgment, to understand your emotions without fear, and to experience deeper relationships—both with yourself and with others. You can begin to feel again, one step at a time, in a way that works for you.

If you’re ready to begin lowering those emotional walls, our ‘Feel Again’ one-on-one coaching sessions are here to support you.

This October, take the first step toward reconnecting with your emotions in a safe, supportive environment. Book your session today and start your journey to emotional balance.

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