
When we think about disconnection we might think about tech. But often we can feel most disconnected from ourselves, other people, and the world around us.

This can manifest as feelings of isolation, even in a crowded room. An inner sense of emptiness or disengagement, even though outwardly you appear successful or busy. You might also feel emotionally distant from yourself and those around you: there’s a separation. An absence. Maybe even a numbness.

Sometimes disconnection shows up when we’re feeling stressed, when our life has lost its equilibrium, when we’re living in the wrong place, or turning up to the wrong job. Disconnection might even happen when we’re showing up too much online and not enough off (yes, tech shows up after all). We also need to check whether it’s either anxiety or depression that’s underlying our feelings of disconnection.

Here we’ll be exploring ways to re-connect with yourself. Often this is the starting point to finding your way back to everything (and everyone) else in life.

Guidance For When You Feel Disconnected


With practices like journaling, and self-coaching activities, our Everyday (stay-at-home) Wellcation will help connect you back to you.

Over four weeks you’ll receive daily postcard lessons (all digital, all in your own time) to help you orientate to what matters most.

You’ll get to explore both your world inside and the one out there so that you can show up more in your everyday life.

When you lose your connection with yourself you can feel disorientated in your everyday life. Like you’ve lost your very grounding.

Our 1:1 coaching sessions are designed to help you listen to yourself again.

You’ll cover how to find your values, understand your beliefs, and discover your strengths.

What could greater self-connection offer you?


Our Journal for Disconnected Times

 More paths to explore if you’re feeling disconnected

Where do you need to explore to bring you back to yourself, other people, and the world around you? Which path will you choose?

More Connection | Giving Back | Digital Wellbeing