Podcasts for Mind & Body | February Edit

Podcasts for Mind & Body | February Edit

I used to think healing meant ridding the body and the heart of anything that hurt. It meant putting your pain behind you, leaving it in the past. But I’m learning that’s not how it works. Healing is figuring out how to coexist with the pain that will always live inside of you, without pretending it isn’t there or allowing it to hijack your day. It is learning to confront ghosts and to carry what lingers.
— Suleika Jaouad, Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted

We recently heard the term ‘serendipitous curation’ and that reflects our process of discovering this month’s Podcasts for the Mind & Body Connection. Our selections below cover everything from sexual wellness to what self-care means today, from some of our favorite listens (we’d really press play on anything from Pandora Sykes) to some new-to-us series like New York Magazine’s Cover Story: Power Trip. We hope you find some helpful new ways of thinking about your mind and your body and how they might relate to each other in your life.

In the moments when we can offer suggestions to improve something in another or in the world, we can make those suggestions with kindness, tenderness, and affection, knowing that everyone is fighting their own battles and knowing that the hardest and most important things we’ll ever change for the better are our own hearts and minds.
— Reema Datta

All of our February selections can be found in our Spotify playlist for Mind & Body Connection. You can listen here:

Let us know what you’ve been listening to this month to help you think about your own Mind/Body Connection. What are your go-to’s on exercise, health, nutrition, self-care and healing?

To seek out more resources for your mind-body take a look at our guide.

Main image attribution: Photo by Jozsef Hocza on Unsplash

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