Rediscover yourself: How identifying values can guide your life

Rediscover yourself: How identifying values can guide your life

“Your personal identity comes from your values.”
— Dr. Rangan Chatterjee

Values are decision-making magic. When you know what yours are, you can better navigate your life.

They are things like: Creativity. Freedom. Purpose. Kindness. Curiosity. Love.

We once heard the idea that values are something that you can't put in a wheelbarrow — like integrity, wonder and creativity — but not like money, which could be represented by words such as safety, security, status, and belonging instead.

Indicators of meaning, of what matters to you, values are powerful when we connect with them. Values point the way to how you want to live your life, what you’d like it to contain, and how you want to spend your time. Even on what and with whom.

When your values are being met you are more fulfilled and happier. But often in life when you are not achieving something that matters to you this can be because it conflicts with your values. Feelings of disconnection, emptiness, frustration, anger, or just the sense that something isn't quite right, suggest that those values you need do not yet have a place in your life.

But here’s the thing: although our values are deeply important and are threaded through our lives, often they can be maddeningly unconscious to us.

Discovering your values can be a one-off exercise (or a session with a coach like me) so that you can get to the small handful of values you want to live by (Brene Brown swears by having just 2).

So the first step is identifying them.

Something to Try

Here are a handful of words. Choose any that spark something in you:

Adventure Community Fairness Health Kindness Play

Authenticity Courage Friendship Honesty Laughter Respect

Beauty Empathy Growth Innovation Love Tranquility

What resonates? What’s missing?

Book a Values Assessment

Want to explore more? Book a 1:1 online coaching session to capture what your values might be, and learn how discovering them can help you find your way.

“Nobody has passion and perseverance unless what they do aligns with their values.”
— Angela Duckworth
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