Creativity for better wellbeing

Creativity and Culture

This is the Creativity Pathway (and we’ll bring in Culture in its widest terms too).

There’s been an explosion of interest around creativity and all the quite brilliant things it can do for your everyday life, emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Though we’re aware that for some people this is the scariest pathway: culture is not made for you, your arts teacher at some stage crushed beloved dreams, your images look like stick figures (this applies to one of us).

For others, this might be your happy world, where you can play and experiment, live out imaginary worlds and escape into the possibilities that are words and images and musical notes (this applies to the other one of us).

Wherever you are on this scale, we have some ideas for where to start if you are curious about bringing more creativity and culture into your everyday life to better help your mental health and emotional well-being.

Just know, that creativity isn’t just for people who consider themselves professionals; its benefits can be accessed by everyone. Here we’ll be exploring some of the ways that might work for you

Check out our featured places to find more culture & creativity

If this is your preferred way to better emotional well-being and mental health, you’ll find it easier than ever to get involved in creative communities and spaces, as well as to get yourself making and doing. If you’re new to this Pathway, we’ll offer ways to just dip your paintbrush.

This could be in the form of a monthly talk where you get insight into what inspiring creatives are doing (and meet other creatives over free croissants and coffee) or a museum reimagining what art can offer everyone and not just the insider art world.

It could take the shape of workshops that are as much about getting our brains working as making something cute or a poetry pharmacy (one of our favorite places in this guide) where words craft the cure for whatever ails you.

Museums, crafting workshops, maker spaces, creative meetups and happenings, art studios and centers, improv and theater companies, sculpture parks, and urban interventions: we’ll bring together the best places that support your everyday well-being with some kind of creative pursuit.

What we make, what others make, and how we experience that making, creativity exists in abundance when we choose to (and are able to) seek it out.

UK Places

US Places

 Worldwide Places

Conversations with Creative Space-makers

Creative Journal

Where to next?

Connecting with Creativity is one of the areas that you can choose to explore in our Well-being Prescriptions.

When you’re not making stuff, there’s this part of you that aches, but you don’t know why it aches.
— Lisa Congdon