The Creativity Cure | How creativity can positively impact your well-being

The Creativity Cure | How creativity can positively impact your well-being

In the moments when we feel most stuck or disconnected, we can overlook how turning to creative practices could help us feel better.

Engaging in creative activities has been found to boost mental health, improve our mood, and help us feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us.

Sometimes though the routine of work, chores, and responsibilities can leave little room for creativity and self-expression. We can get caught in a cycle of endless tasks and relentless deadlines.

If we also have a natural interest in creative pursuits, we can find this lack of an outlet leads us to feel blocked and uninspired. We can start to miss the joy of creating for the sake of creating.

5 Ways to access the well-being benefits of creativity

 If you’re curious about exploring your own creativity for well-being purposes, or you long to reconnect with your artistic side, here are some steps to get you started.

1. Try New Creative Outlets:

Experiment with different creative activities, such as painting, writing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. Trying new things can spark your creativity and open up new possibilities.

2. Set Aside Creative Time:

Make time for creativity in your daily routine. Set aside a specific time each day or week for creative activities, and treat it as a non-negotiable part of your schedule.

3. Join Creative Communities:

Connect with others who share your creative interests. Join local art classes, writing groups, or online communities where you can share your work and get inspired by others.

4. Embrace Imperfection:

Don't worry about creating something perfect. Allow yourself to experiment, make mistakes, and have fun with the creative process. The goal is to enjoy the activity itself, not just what it produces.

 5. Seek Inspiration:

Surround yourself with inspiration by visiting museums, attending concerts, reading books, or exploring nature. Inspiration can come from anywhere, and exposing yourself to new experiences can fuel your creativity.

Creativity offers numerous ways to reconnect with yourself, other people, and the world around you.

How could you fold more creative activities into your everyday life, so that you can feel happier?

Find your way to more creativity

Creativity is one of our company’s core values. It’s also one of the areas of our lives that we explore in our online well-being course Find Your Way.

Here’s just a glimpse into how we’ll help you explore more creativity in your everyday life so that you can feel good.


If you’re curious about how to bring more creativity into your life for better well-being, learn more about Find Your Way here.

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